After a forced hiatus due to the pandemic, the European Festival Awards finally return for the 2022 season. And there is a lot to celebrate. Festivals new and old, spectacular line-ups, unforgettable experiences, outstanding activations and innovations as well as the simple joy of seeing music live on stage again. All this and more will be honoured.

Entries are now open for the 12th edition of the European Festival Awards (EFA), set to take place on January 18th, 2023, at De Oosterpoort in Groningen, The Netherlands.

If you wish to nominate your festival for the EFA’s main categories – which include Best Major, Medium-Sized, and Small Festival; Best Indoor Festival; and Best New Festival – you can do so here until November 9th, 11 p.m. (GMT).

The EFA’s specialist categories are open for entries until November 20th, 11 p.m. (GMT).

The application forms can be found below.
The Brand Activation Award
The Green Operations AwardThe Take a Stand Award

The Health & Safety Innovation Award The Impossible Without Youth Award

Public voting for the shortlisted nominees will take place from November 14th until December 9th.

For all enquiries, please contact
YOUROPE – The European Festival Association

Nikki McNeill | Global Publicity