Tomorrowland has just revealed that Swedish music genius Eric Prydz is bringing his brand-new [CELL.] show to Tomorrowland Around the World.
Tomorrowland and Eric Prydz have been successfully working together in the past years on delivering mind-blowing shows to the fans and now Tomorrowland has asked the revered Swedish DJ & producer to codevelop a unique show for its digital festival. Together they will stun festival visitors with a brand-new audiovisual spectacle on a new stage on Saturday July 25 during Tomorrowland’s digital festival. More info will follow soon – Tomorrowland and Eric Prydz are very excited and are looking forward to releasing this new dimension into the world.
Tomorrowland Around the World, the digital festival
- Saturday July 25 and Sunday July 26,2020.
- Between 16h00–01h00 CEST.
- Festival visitors will be able to navigate easily through Pāpiliōnem with a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet – you don’t need special VR goggles – and explore the entire festival site with all the different stages and points of interest in an interactive way together with friends.
- ‘Time-zone-friendly’ for visitors from Asia and North and South America.
- Open for people of all ages and places.
- Accessible exclusively on
- Day ticket costs €12.50.
- Weekend ticket costs €20.00 and includes a week of video-on-demand content to relive the entire experience.
- Special People of Tomorrow packages and Home Party packages are available.
- Info and updates: