Eurosonic Noorderslag is launching the European Production Innovation Conference & Fair (EPIC), a new conference that runs alongside the existing Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference schedule, and is entirely focused on innovation at festivals and venues. In addition to that, Eurosonic Noorderslag is to continue the successful Buma Music Meets Tech programme covering the latest developments in the area of music and technology where start-ups can present their innovations.

The European Production Innovation Conference & Fair (EPIC) is a new conference stream that runs alongside the existing Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference, and is entirely focused on innovation at festivals and venues. The event consists of three days of discussions, presentations of products, ideas and new ways to implement them at festivals, concerts, and venues, as well as in the production of events. SummerLabb, which is part of EPIC, is where research institutes, polytechnic universities and sustainability companies give visitors the opportunity to feel, taste and smell (technological) sustainable innovations. EPIC is the result of a partnership between Yourope, Double 2, VVEM, VNPF and Eurosonic Noorderslag.

EPIC takes place from January 15-17, 2015 in De Oosterpoort in Groningen. The price for a three day registration/passepartout for EPIC is 45 euros. A day ticket for EPIC costs 25 euros. Eurosonic Noorderslag conference delegates who want to upgrade their registration to a full ticket for the Eurosonic Noorderslag conference can send an email to

Companies wishing to present themselves and their products can contact our team  – Mark van den Ham

Buma Music Meets Tech
After a successful first edition, Buma and Eurosonic Noorderslag will once again present the three-day segment Music Meets Tech, part of the Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference. The programme offers a wide range of lectures and round-table discussions about the latest developments in the areas of music and technology. It also gives companies the opportunity to present themselves and show what they bring to the table at the crossroads where music and innovation meet tech. New initiatives and start ups can apply to be part of Music Meets Tech, giving them the chance to present themselves in front of a professional jury from the tech and music industries. The winner will be awarded the Buma Music Meets Tech Award in the form of a € 5.000 cash prize.

Next to EPIC and Buma Music Meets Tech, the Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference programme consists of the regular music conference programme and the Music & Media programme.

Music & Media
Music & Media, the annual Eurosonic Noorderslag segment on Saturday afternoon, consists of a series of panels about music in the media. The programme concludes with the presentation of the Dutch Pop Media Award. This prize aims to encourage excellence in Dutch pop journalism and is awarded in recognition of the entire oeuvre of a pop journalist.

Agenda Eurosonic Noorderslag Conference

Wednesday January 14, 2015:
European Border Breakers Awards
European Festival Awards
Eurosonic Festival

Thursday January 15, 2015:
Innovative Production Fair & Conference (EPIC)
Buma Music Meets Tech Pro
Pop policy programme (EN)
General conference programme
Eurosonic Festival

Friday January 16, 2015:
Innovative Production Fair & Conference (EPIC)
Buma Music Meets Tech Pro & Awards
General conference programme
Eurosonic Festival

Saturday January 17, 2015:
Innovative Production Fair & Conference (EPIC)
Buma Music Meets Tech Live Music & Media programme (NL + presentation Pop Media Prize)
General conference programme
Noorderslag Festival

About Eurosonic Noorderslag:
Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, with a proven track record for helping to break new acts on the international live music scene. A sold-out event for many years, Eurosonic Noorderslag attracts over 3,200 professional delegates, including representatives of over 400 international festivals. Eurosonic Noorderslag presents showcases by more than 350 acts alongside a conference programme featuring 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, and workshops, as well as dinners, pitches, parties and meetings covering the latest developments in the international music, media, production and interactive industries.

Eurosonic Noorderslag has been responsible for kick-starting the careers of European acts like Ásgeir, Benjamin Clementine, Birth of Joy, Coely, Emilie Nicolas, Ewert and the Two Dragons, George Ezra, Hozier, Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Jungle, Kadebostany, Larry Gus, Mighty Oaks, Milky Chance and MØ.

Conference registrations can be obtained through

Nikki McNeill at Global Publicity