The 24th Sziget Festival has ended with the record-breaking number: almost half a million people attended from more than 100 countries. The non-stop week of fun of 2016 is now over, but the dates of the 25th Island of Freedom are already revealed, so save the date: 9-16 August, 2017.
Following last year’s success, altogether 496.000 visitors came to Sziget Festival, a record-breaking number for the organizers as well. Passes were sold out since Spring and three days were sold out as well. Károly Gerendai, founder and main organizer, added: “The number of festival visitors is getting more balanced. While previously generally the weekend of the festival was sold out, now the number of visitors are pretty much the same each day.” Szitizens came from more than 100 countries, so it is legitimate to say that almost the half world was represented at Sziget.
Besides the biggest stages, the program of more the more than 50 program venues were also the centre of the attention during the seven days of fun of the Island of Freedom.
Sziget is coming back in 2017 with its 25th anniversary between 9-16 August.
Nikki McNeill | Global Publicity